I had no idea what she did, other than that she would help me. More than willing to go, off I went for a number of days without a clue about what I was in for. Needless to say, the experience was life changing! Upon returning home, my life started to crumble in the most beautiful way- the blindfold was off. Everything in my life was shifting and moving; one thing was for sure in that there was no going back. 

Meet Amanda

After hitting my rock bottom, I was suggested to go see someone for an 'intensive '.

Excited and nervous at the same time, I reached out to the woman to thank her again and asked “what was it that we were doing?’. She shared with me that she was a reiki practitioner as well as a craniosacral therapist. We also did some somatic therapy and talked a lot. Never in my life had I felt so seen, heard and present within my body. I had to learn these modalities so that I could help people in the same way.

Alchemy Soul Work came to life when I decided that I wanted to be the flashlight, to be a guide and support for women while they journey their healing. My journey to get here and do the work I know I’m meant to do was made possible by many magical humans that appeared in my life along the way and guided me to this very moment.

These individuals led me through my own journey and also introduced me to: Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Therapy and Emotional Alchemy.

Using my method I will guide you like a light you can follow in the dark through my 4 phases of healing: Dullness, Seeing, Unraveling and Fluorescence.

Online I am able to share my Reiki practice and various other tools and in person I offer my blended Reiki and Craniosacral therapy practice in my sessions in Fort Langley. 

My favourite thing about this work is being witness to transformation, to see people blossom and fill with life is what keeps me going.  

I now work both online and in person.

Learn More About How We Can Work Together Here →

With honor, Amanda

Pain into Power.
From dullness to Fluorescence 

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